About me

My name is Walter van den Houten. I'm a software developer, father, expat, and geek who gets way too easily excited about all kinds of things. By day, I work as a software engineering manager at Microsoft, and by night I blog(1) about my experiences with technology, software development, fatherhood, culture (shocks), and any other topic I found interesting enough to write about.

I hope you find any of my writing useful or helpful to you. You can subscribe to my blog's(1) RSS feed, and if you have questions, comments or just want to reach out to me, you can contact me on LinkedIn, Twitter, GitHub, Stack Overflow, and YouTube.

1. Content and opinions shared on this site are my own and do not represent the views of my employer.


I grew up in the Netherlands studied computer science in Amsterdam. After graduating, I worked as a consultant, developer, technical lead, and manager in the Netherlands, Germany and Romania. Over the years I've been fortunate to work with various technologies, meet interesting people and learned many things from all of it. More information can be found on my LinkedIn profile.

